The exclusive leadership and strategic planning event for nonprofit founders


🧘 Reset

Get real about what works and more importantly, what doesn't work for you.

🌈 Reimagine

Let go of the old, laborious ways of doing things. How can we be more impactful, while doing less?

🚀 Revolutionize

Be equipped to effectively catalyze the change you envision for a better world.

Tired of Begging People to Care about your Mission?

Let me guess. You're quite literally killing yourself to be the change you wish to see in the world, but the lack of support has you feeling disheartened, or even wondering, "what's the point?"

Most nonprofits struggle to get the support they deserve, because while they're working so hard to fulfill their mission, they neglect to demonstrate their impact. 

This is YOUR calling, not necessarily anyone else's so we must make the case that it's a worthy cause to support and you are a worthy leader of this cause. 

This ULTIMATE IMPACT weekend retreat will give you the breakthrough you need to get clear on what matters, get focused on high ROI activities and showcase your impact. 

Do Less - Impact More

Stop wearing all the hats and create a strategic plan, you actually use - in a weekend

Reserve Your Spot



Join us for a transformative weekend retreat designed exclusively for nonprofit founders who are ready to reignite their passion, realign with their purpose, and elevate their organizations to new heights. Leave your retreat with:

  • A refreshed perspective of what's possible
  • A complete strategic plan or IMPACT ROADMAP
  • Practical tools to track & demonstrate impact
  • Lasting connections with other nonprofit founders

You deserve connections with like minded change-makers!

DAY #1

Let's connect as we share our passions and set intentions not just for the retreat, but for the journey ahead, fueled by a healthy dose of vision casting.

DAY #2

Peel back the layers and get real about what's holding you back. What stories do you tell yourself and how can you let go of patterns that no longer serve you? We'll dive into your bigger purpose. Who are you trying to impact and why does it matter?

DAY #3

Get ready to dream big and make it happen, because we're about to craft a tactical plan that will revolutionize your leadership game. We're talking about making a massive impact while keeping your flame burning bright, and NOT burning out.

Don't worry, we're all founders here


This retreat is designed for nonprofit founders who are seeking rejuvenation, clarity, and empowerment.

It's for those who may feel overwhelmed by the demands of leading a nonprofit organization and are looking to reconnect with their passion, purpose, and community.

Whether you're feeling burnt out, in need of strategic guidance, or simply craving a supportive environment to explore your vision and goals, this retreat is for you.

It's for individuals who are ready to invest in their personal and professional growth, and who are eager to take their organizations to the next level of impact while prioritizing their well-being.


Like you, I'm a purpose driven, change maker. I am fortunate enough to have a calling which is such a priviledge, because so many people just don't know what they came here to do. 

But I found that having a calling wasn't enough. I thought if you obeyed your calling and stepped out in faith you would be rewarded...it would be easy. I was so disheartened at how hard it was to get people to care.

But, God doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called. I got my Master's in Program Evaluation to help understand how to demonstrate impact and my professional certification in Results Based Accountability, so I could get focused on what actually matters. 

I've since scaled my nonprofit program to locations across the US, and helped hundreds of nonprofits with my reinvented strategic plan - the IMPACT ROADMAP. I'm on a mission to make sure those with a calling don't get so overwhelmed that they quit, because the world needs you!

"I deeply appreciated the collaborative nature of the session. Even though Rebecca is the subject matter expert, she took the time to listen to me and was able to capture the essence of my mission in a succinct way that will speak to funders."

Lori Bolden - Building Bridges to Recovery

"I loved the focus and collaboration of working in real time and the back and forth. My mission is somewhat harder to quantify and it was helpful for me to be reminded to stay on track and not try to bunch a ton of other "results" but rather to keep it simple. Rebecca is straightforward but also encouraging."

Claudia Maniatis - WillStrong Cancer Foundation

Craving Connection?


Of course you are. Founder life can be very isolating. You have the weight of the mission and those you serve on your shoulders, and that's not an easy burden to bear.

At this event, founders connect on a soul purpose level. They swap stories, share laughs, and find inspiration in each other's journeys, turning isolation into collaboration.

Through interactive workshops, lively discussions, and plenty of free social time, attendees forge connections that feel more like family.

Together, we share resources and shape relationships that last long after this powerful weekend.