Accepting Crypto Donations

Dec 16, 2021


At this point, I am sure you've at least heard about some type of cryptocurrency such as bitcoin, but maybe it hasn’t really been on your radar as something you need to be looking into.

I know it can seem complex and overwhelming, but with over 2 trillion dollars invested in cryptocurrency it is becoming quite popular and crypto investors have started to donate bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to nonprofits.

I am not a cryptocurrency expert, heck I know just enough to be dangerous, but I do know if someone asks you if you accept crypto donations, your answer needs to be yes. So I want to help you get in on the action.

In this video you will learn: 

  • What is cryptocurrency?
  • Why you should accept cryptocurrency.
  • How to accept donations in cryptocurrency. 

Get Your Free Accepting Crypto Donations Comparison Sheet Here

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